The Bridge, Inc. and Mom & Me programs provide long-term (average of 6-18 months), comprehensive residential treatment for substance abusing adult women for whom short-term treatment is inappropriate, either because of the pervasiveness of the impact of the substance abuse on the woman's life or because of a history of repeated short-term or less restrictive treatment failures.
Treatment is directed toward overcoming the lack of awareness of the effects of substance-related problems on an individual's life, as well as enhancing an individual's readiness to change. Treatment also focuses on relapse prevention, continued problems and/or continued use and promoting the eventual reintegration into the community as a healthy, confident, contributing member of society. Special emphasis is placed on the individual resident's needs in recovery, stressing the development of identity, individual assets and skills, increased motivation, improved self image and the setting of realistic life goals. The program provides psychological skill-building through a long-term, highly structured set of peer-oriented treatment activities which define progress toward individual change and rehabilitation. Daily living in a family atmosphere is geared to develop a sense of normalcy and belonging in a non-threatening alcohol and chemical-free environment. |